Friday, August 22, 2008

Tarzan's A Dancer?

Well, no. Actually not at all... But Rosey has convinced me to go to dance classes with her!

Now, don't let this get around, but it's actually pretty fun. We've been going to Dance Necessities in Boise and they have done a fantastic job at not making me feel like a big Oaf.

Check them out if you're interested to learning some fun new moves. They'll even give you the first lesson FREE! Check them out -

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Now that I'm Engaged...

The Outlaw & Amber, mornings 5 - 9, decided to take it upon themselves to solicit some marriage advice for me and Rosey.

Give it a listen!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Popping the Question

Well, I did it... I finally asked Rosey to marry me and I'll be darned if she didn't say yes!

However, she only agreed to marry me on one condition: I couldn't put her on the radio.

So I totally obliged her request and did my best to re-enact the proposal... Take a listen!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wowcast Episode 19

The gas prices are driving the cost of EVERYTHING up and I was wondering - How's the Tooth Fairy making out nowadays?

Episode 19 - The Tooth Fairy