Friday, December 19, 2008

The 12 Days of My Holiday Beard - Wrap Up!

Well I made it 12 Days without shaving and I think I can safely say that Rosey and I both really enjoyed it. Today is the day that I'm supposed to shave, but maybe I can sweet talk Rosey into extending our compromise through Christmas!

I've wrapped everything up with a silly little video. So, for your Holiday Enjoyment - I give you "The 12 Days of My Holiday Beard"

Thanks so much for playing along. Happy Holidays!!

Day 12 - Scraped Ice Off of Her Windshield

Ta Da! It's the final day of my Holiday Beard. This morning I was up early to scrape ice off of her windshield. She has to go to work way earlier than I do and she always spends too much time scraping ice in the morning.

It was FREEZING this morning, but she really appreciated it. Also, I couldn't help but do a little advertising while I was at it...hehe!

Day 11 - Gave her a Backrub

Up do Day 11 already! Rosey has had a stressful few weeks, but I don't think the stress has been a result of my sweet Holiday Beard. Regardless, the next item on my list was to try and alleviate some of her stress with a backrub.

I've actually become quite proficient and the massage. During the Football season, we would bet on the games with various chores around the house. I lost continuously and had to give up the backrub every day for a few weeks. So I've got this covered!

Tomorrow I'm up early to scrape the ice from her windshield and to wrap up the 12 Days of my Holiday Beard!

Day 10 - Cooked a Nice Dinner

So, I have to admit that I'm really having fun with my Holiday Beard Compromise. I've already done the dishes and now I'm supposed to make a nice dinner for my Vegetarian Fiance.

Usually my cooking consists of dead animal carcass on the grill and corn dogs. I'm not sure how well I'm going to do with Cous Cous (is that how you spell it?)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 9 - Took Care of All the Dishes

Ah yes! Tis the season to do kind things. Especially when those kind things allow you to keep your sweet-ass holiday beard!
Around the house, Rosey and I divide up the chores. I'm ususally on dish detail and I have to take out the trash fairly regularly. She's a pretty fine cook so I don't get to mess around in the kitchen much, and she handles the laundry.

Sometimes I get a little distracted from my duties. Oh I still do the dishes, but sometimes I don't necessarily do a full and complete job at them. So, next on my list: Take care of ALL the dishes. Even after a messy dinner.

I think she enjoyed this picture...

Next up on the list - I'll actually be cooking the dinner. Hope she likes her veggies with a side of meat! Muahahahaha!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Days 5, 6, 7, 8

Here's the latest on my Holiday Beard! As you can see, I'm beginning to look even sexier... We're up to Day 8, so to recap:
Day 8 - Put the Toilet Seat Down

Yes, I am a guy. Actually I'm a guy who used to be a single guy. Needless to say, I forget to put down the toilet seat from time to time. I got fussed at a few weeks back for never replacing the TP on the roll. So Rosey added this chore to my list.

An added bonus was that, in order to take a picture of the toilet, I had to clean the damn thing first!

Day 7 - Baked Her Some Cookies
I mentioned earlier that we were planning on baking Christmas Cookies to help get us in the Christmas Spirit. I made a huge mess in the kitchen (which I had to clean up) but we had fun!
As you can see, I couldn't help doing a little cookie advertising!

Day 6 - Drew Her a Warm Bath
Girls and their bathing. Can't they just take a shower in 3 minutes like the rest of us? Still, one of the nice things on my list was to draw Rosey a bath. Being the clown that I am I pulled out a sheet of paper and came up with this:

She wasn't impressed.

So I promptly went to the bathtub and started the water. For some reason she wouldn't let me, or the camera, in the bathroom so you're stuck with my rendering.

Day 5 - Shared My Feelings

It took me a little while to figure this out, but apparently girls want you to talk to them... Wacky, huh? Rosey refuses to accept "Nothin" as an answer to the question, "What are you thinking about right now?"

Even though I've mostly got 'nothin' going on upstairs, I've been making an effort to tell her things that are on my mind. But I still couldn't do it completely seriously:

Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 3 & 4 - Painted Her Toenails & Fingernails

Trucking along with the Holiday Beard Compromise. I was supposed to have painted Rosey's toenails on Wednesday, but we opted for a bonus adventure and went downtown to see It's A Wonderful Life.

So I doubled up the effort on Thursday and painted her fingernails and toenails. My question remained... Why would she trust my shaky hands to her pretty nails? I'm pretty sure that I smeared the polish everywhere, but it actually didn't end up looking that bad.

Check out the evidence:

Bonus: I'm gonna make her some Christmas Cookies over the weekend. There's another mess in waiting!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 2 - Gave the Dog a Bath

As you can see, the Holiday Beard is coming in quite nicely now and I'm making progress on my list of nice things I'm doing for Rosey.

She pretends to dislike my dog Lola, but it's actually impossible to not love that adorable creature. She's always fussing at Lola when she climbs onto the bed, and she always accuses the dog of being smelly. Well, I suppose she's right about that one...

But Lola is a dog! She's supposed to smell like old cheese and garbage, right?

Last night I had to suck it up and take the plunge... Lola had to have a bath. As you can tell, she wasn't happy at all!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 1 - Finally Watched Beaches

So we are fully underway with the 12 days of My Holiday Beard. Every day that I refuse to shave, I have to do something nice for Rosey (and often something of her choosing).

She has been trying to get me to sit down and watch Beaches with her FOREVER! Last night she was finally able to check that off of her list. However, before we even popped it in the VCR (yes, you read that right... VCR) she told me that it was totally OK with her if I cried during the movie.

I assured her that the increasing amount of stubble on my face meant that I remained a man and a non-moviecryer.

It wasn't even that sad! I got more teary-eyed at Snoopy Come Home!

The 12 Days of My Holiday Beard

Well, I made the decision. I've decided that I look mostly awesome with a beard, so I stopped shaving on Thanksgiving.

At first, Rosey wasn't too thrilled about it, but then she decided to compromise.

For every day that I refuse to shave, I have to do something nice for her. She decided that my first task would be to finally sit down and watch Beaches with her...

Keep checking back as we update the list of nice things I'm doing for my Fiance (and my holiday beard!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Hey hey! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Tis' the season to be jolly or some such nonsense like that...

Rosey and I have taken to documenting our Turkey Day. Feel free to watch and giggle, or don't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Rosey and I will be spending it with our neighbors upstairs. They're also non-vegetarians so that means I'll get to share my deep fried bird this year!

Maybe we'll document the events this year as well. Until then, here's our video from last year:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Episode 21 - Joey & Rory

You've seen them on CMT's 'Can You Duet' and you've heard their new song, "Cheater, Cheater."

Here's Joey & Rory when they called in to talk to Tarzan Dan,

Episode 21 - Tarzan Interviews Joey & Rory

Technical Difficulties

So one of the good things about finding a free audio file hosting place on the Internets is that it doesn't cost anything.

The bad thing is they can delete you for no apparent reason at any time. So if you've noticed that my audio files stopped working, you now have an explanation.

I'm working on getting them replaced... Stand by!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dancing with the Tarz!

So as you know, I've been taking dance lessons with Rosey. We are totally gonna cut that rug at our wedding reception!

Dance Necessities has kicked in a little incentive for you to join us with 10 Private Dance Lessons and 10 Practice Parties!

All you gotta do is call up and share an embarassing dancing story about your man... Give it a listen

Episode 20 - Dancing with the Tarz!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tarzan's A Dancer?

Well, no. Actually not at all... But Rosey has convinced me to go to dance classes with her!

Now, don't let this get around, but it's actually pretty fun. We've been going to Dance Necessities in Boise and they have done a fantastic job at not making me feel like a big Oaf.

Check them out if you're interested to learning some fun new moves. They'll even give you the first lesson FREE! Check them out -

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Now that I'm Engaged...

The Outlaw & Amber, mornings 5 - 9, decided to take it upon themselves to solicit some marriage advice for me and Rosey.

Give it a listen!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Popping the Question

Well, I did it... I finally asked Rosey to marry me and I'll be darned if she didn't say yes!

However, she only agreed to marry me on one condition: I couldn't put her on the radio.

So I totally obliged her request and did my best to re-enact the proposal... Take a listen!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wowcast Episode 19

The gas prices are driving the cost of EVERYTHING up and I was wondering - How's the Tooth Fairy making out nowadays?

Episode 19 - The Tooth Fairy

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Props from Idaho Radio News?

I just got some props (kinda) from Don over at Idaho Radio News...

He's the guy that exposes all the sordid radio gossip that only a total of 20 people in the entire state are interested in.

Regardless, it's still cool to get a plug... I guess I'll have to be more dilligent with my posts since I'm now guaranteed to get an influx of traffic!

Thanks for checking out the blog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Space Invaders!

Just found this on the page I mentioned in the post below. Let's kick it Old School!

Wanna Throw Up A Little?

I found one of those optical illusion things that you stare at for 20 seconds and then look away and the whole world becomes wobbly. It's mostly awesome until the nausea takes over!

So put down that beer, set down the greasy pizza, prepare your stomach and then...

Click here if you're ready...

Dig that? The whole site is just plain bizarre like that... Check out

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Check Out Tim McGraw in Action... WOW!

While performing Indian Outlaw in concert, Timmy noticed a male fan getting out of hand with a female fan. He called for security, but when they didn't act fast enough, our boy took matters into his own hands...

This is why you should never piss off Tim McGraw!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Surviving Tied to Tarzan

Well, the week has come and gone and I'm sorry for not posting the progress here... I guess I was a little Tied Up. Haha...Cheese!

While it lasts, you can still see all the Confessionals here and check out some of the pictures here

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Boss Bust is on!

"Berk" called me to explain that he has the WORST boss ever.

This guy is such a tyrant that "Berk" has decided to go covert and secretly record his boss at work.

You WILL NOT BELIEVE what this guy has to deal with on a daily basis.

UPDATE - Well, things didn't exactly work out the way I had planned... Check out the full audio below:

Part 1

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Part 2

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome to my new Wow Space!

Thanks for visiting! Bookmark this page because I'm going to be updating it a lot. Concert Info, Contests, Show Clips... Whatever amuses me.

By the way - if you're one of the first 5 people to email me at - you're In-To-Win a Cam Am Outlander 400 XT from Big West Power Sports!!

Holy Cow! Jessica Simpson Has Gone Country

Say it aint so! Give it a listen below...

UPDATE: Just featured this song on the New Tune Test Drive and it won! Wow - 59 No Wow - 12

Monday, May 26, 2008

Big Fun at the Carrie Underwood Concert!

Thanks SO much to everyone who came out to see us at the Idaho Center on Sunday night!

The show was amazing!

Unfortunately, my camera died right after Carrie took the stage.

Check out the few pictures I did get here!

Keep your WOW Button Pushed in to find out about all the BIG Ticket Country Concerts coming to the Treasure Valley!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day - Tarzan Calls Mom

I'm pretty sure that my family regrets the fact that I decided to go into radio. The truth is, no one is safe!

My mom's birthday falls just a few days before Mother's Day so I called to tell her Happy Birthday...

Of course, I just had to play it on the radio!

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tarzan's Weekly Wowcast - Episode 17

Last Comic Standing's Josh Blue came into the studio to hang out before his big show at The Big Easy... He's a funny funny guy!

Episode 17 - Josh Blue

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Episode 16 - Andy Griggs and Ira Dean

Andy Griggs and Ira Dean dropped by the WOW Studio yesterday and they were HILARIOUS!

They showed up armed with guitars and did two great songs... It's kinda long so I broke it into two parts. Hope you enjoy!

Part 1

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Part 2

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ISBA Entries

3 Bits I'm considering entering for Idaho State Broadcasters Association "Broadcaster of the Year"

Listen to them and give me feedback please!

Cut 1 - Valentines Day

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Cut 2 - Cold Studio

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Cut 3 - Creepy Crushes

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tarzans Weekly Wowcast - Episode 15

Rosey and I manage to get in some stupid fights... I'm certain that we're not alone.

What's the silliest thing you've ever argued over?

Episode 15 - Silly Fights

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Catch Up Episodes

Here we go - a catch up on the past 3 Wowcasts that I've been to distracted to post.

Episode 12 - Redneck Christmas

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Episode 13 - Say Tarzan Dan for Blueman

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Episode 14 - Tarzans Valentines Day Announcement

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